Arriving - A post Covid-19 Ritual is a template designed to enable you in making sense of your experiences, letting go of tensions and celebrating your growth.
We have named this template ‘Arriving’, because what we have collectively experienced asks us to recognise that the place we left when this started, is not the same as the one that we are returning to. This is not a ‘coming back’.
There is of course a sense of return when we find ourselves embedded in our communities once more, and we should both welcome and enable that feeling. To come back to our communities is a beautiful thing.
To recognise that our communities are different now, and that the world is different now, can also be a beautiful thing. It might be a painful act of recognition at first, but if done with care, it will open the door for healing and growth.
This template is for communities and teams that want to explore, express, & process what Covid has meant for them. It is our attempt to help you give space, shape and meaning to what you have been through as a community. To help you embrace what is, and connect to what will be.
Please note: If you represent a community with a limited budget, simply get in touch and we will send you the template for free.
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